The rules
What is this all about?
Rule #1
This is a poem-sharing blog. I share poems (those that "create imaginary gardens with real toads in them") that I really like, and if I think their copyright holders won't mind. To make up for it, I also share, when possible, a URL where the poem is housed, or the poet's bio, or a link to where one of their books can be purchased. The choice of poems is clear: it is those that move me, usually because they use language well.
Rule #2
If anyone thinks a poem featured here should be removed, I encourage them to let me know as soon as they can. Please use the contact form below. You can also email me directly. The poem will be gone as soon as the reason for its removal has been made clear. This site is but a humble appreciation of what is out there. This isn't a store. It's the window you gape through before you actually go into the store itself.
Rule #3
I would like to get more people interested in reading and writing poems. By putting out a poem a day for 365 days I am hoping that those who have signed up will actually do read a poem a day, and share the poems with others. There's nothing more stimulating and more educational. There's no better muse. If you think a poem of yours can help this site send it along. I'd be very happy to read it and see if it fits.
Rule #4
If you read something you like here, I encourage you to dig deeper (walk into the store itself) into the poet's work and if you are still happy with the poems, why not buy one or more of their books, to really find out what it is that makes them tick? This has to be a sort of public bookcase where reading leads to wanting to find more of what attracted us in the first place, a shop window. Like what you see? Step into the shop.